Non-surgical Facial Rejuvenation
Custom multi-technology plan

Custom multi-technology treatment plan for your facial rejuvenation

One of the first components you will find unique to Dr. Mok, is his multi-technology approach to facial rejuvenation, customized for each patient.

We apply advanced principles of facial rejuvenation to combine the most effective treatments in RF microneedling, radiofrequecy technology, injectables, and fat grafting. For each individual we come up with a custom plan with all of these various technologies available in our toolbox, to deliver the best treatment plan of the unique patient.

When you visit Dr. Mok, he will guide you through the appropriate treatment options and help you decide on a plan that will achieve your priority goals. Together, we’ll harness your body’s natural ability to achieve a radiant look.

How we achieve long lasting results

Your goals are unique, and so is our approach! With this in mind, we apply advanced principles of facial rejuvenation to combine the most effective treatments in RF microneedling, radiofrequecy technology, injectables, and fat grafting.

Our very popular procedure line-up includes Morpheus8, AccuTite,  Facetite, Dermal Fillers and Neuromodulators. It is only with the extensive knowledge of experts like Dr. Mok and his team, that these treatments can be combined safely and effectively.