Facial contouring

Facial shape is a strong determinant of perceived age and plays a large role in how we perceive ourselves and others. Facial contouring is a non-surgical, facial enhancement that can add definition to your facial features, harmonising the face and restoring facial symmetry. It is a brilliant way to enhance your natural beauty, without surgery, downtime or looking “over done”.

At our office we provide a variety of facial contouring methods that include non-surgical skin tightening, tissue remodeling, anti-wrinkle injections, and dermal fillers to volumize, reshape and achieve ideal facial proportions. Facial contouring is often about blending these treatments to improve an array of concerns and customize to each patient’s goals.

By framing, elevating, and enhancing your best facial features we can provide higher cheek bones, facial slimming, luscious lips, a defined jawline, or improved nasal structure. The results are a more symmetrical, striking appearance, with a natural look and feel.